A New 55 Deserves New Leadership
I have always been a part of the Political process for our country as far back as I can remember. My earliest memory is back in 1970, some 54 years ago, with my mother volunteering for the campaign of Hal Suit the then Republican nominee against Jimmy Carter for Governor. Back then my sister and I were little kids. I, having a late birthday falling after the November elections, was only 7 years-old and my sister just 5. I vividly remember the campaign store front, the signs, and playing with my sister and the other kids while my mother volunteered. And then again 2 years later, when I was in 4th grade during the Presidential election of Nixon vs. McGovern where I turned my closet into a voting booth and encouraged my entire family vote for Nixon. And then in 1974 when I helped fellow classmate Kathy Gingrich pass out bumper stickers for her father Newt’s first political run against Jack Flint. And Jr. High when Connie Plunket the Georgia campaign manager for Jimmy Carter’s Presidency talked to us and we got to have a mock school vote on the real voting machines. Later after college, I would end up working for a computer company that supplied the desktop computers for then Speaker of the House Gingrich where I would often make calls and deliver or repair their desktop systems. The year prior to that my mother and I had gone to Washington for her Presidential “Points of Light Award” at a South lawn White House Reception with the President George H. W. Bush, Vice President Dan Quayle First & Second ladies, Barbra Bush and Marilyn Quayle after going and meeting with Newt in the Whip’s office lobbying for her MacIntosh Reserve Project she was being honored for that day. It was a very memorable experience to be at the White House and hear “Hail to the Chief” played and also hear Lee Green Wood singing his “Proud to be an American.” Looking back to that day on the south lawn it rings deeply to me and solidifies my patriotism to our USA. As far as I can recall, I have never missed casting my vote in any election since I turned 18.
I was raised not to waste. We didn’t always have everything the other kids had but we knew our parents sacrificed at times to make sure we had what was necessary. I was also raised to and have always volunteered for positions that help to better society, such as the Georgia Jaycees, Kiwanis, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, CASA, Junior Achievers, Empty Stocking Fund, Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy, Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods, and Buckhead Exploratory Committee now Buckhead City Committee. And now I volunteer my service to Georgia and the people am neighbors with to serve them, the people of House District 55 in the Georgia State House under the Gold Dome.
I believe that smaller government that more closely represents its people with transparency is less corrupt and better for all. Of the people, by the people, for the people. That is how we do it! People of any community, any size, large or small, must be given the right to petition for referendum and hear their voices by those they elect to serve them. Specifically, when they show a history of neglect of their government and the elected leaders refusing to do what the majority demand. Elections are one of the ways to make change, yet referendum becomes necessary when the voice of your community becomes too large, too corrupt, and is not in sync with a community they pretend to represent. Our quality of live and life itself is too precious. We must let people be heard and allow petition of referendum in order to more closely represent those we serve.
With the 2020 US Census redistricting we know the numbers indicating how Georgia is changing and know just like it was time to draw a new House District 55 for Georgia it is also time to have new leadership because the status quo is not working. Crime is increasing, polices of defunding law enforcement did not take us in the right direction. Education is a mess and the schools in the 55 have some of the lowest scores in our state. Georgia needs leadership now that will work the hard issues and keep us all safe, prosperous and give our children a brighter feature. The 55 needs new leadership that listens to the people that live in the district and supports their unified efforts for a safer and prosperous place to work live and play. I am that new leader to make this true.